I want to be an Astronaut
I want to be a Star Fleet Officer
I want to feel safe when I leave my
home. I don't want to worry about going to the grocery store.
We personally know a microbiologist
that worked in a world renowned research lab and published findings about RNA viruses. I know that
Covid-19 has mutated 14 times...so far. Which means, like influenza,
you can get each strain that comes along. That is why the vaccines
for influenza needs to be changed and updated yearly. Because this
virus is so new to humanity, it will be years before a viable vaccine
is developed and available to the world population. It keeps
In times of high stress and change in
our lives I need to remember to ask myself, “What control over this
situation do I have right now?” “Don't waste your energy on what
you don't have control over.”
We are both over 65 years old, so high
risk. I have permanent lung damage from breathing Hydrogen Sulfide
25 years ago. So, high risk. My doctor is the Secretary General of
the European Respiratory Society and has been able to manage my
condition with daily medication. I feel better than I have in years.
However, he advised me, that until there is a vaccine, I should stay
away from people as much as possible. We will not be accepting
company, going for coffee, restaurants or shopping for unnecessary
items. Thank goodness for social media where we can stay in touch
with friends and family.
I would say that 90% of the time I have
a good attitude and wake up in a happy mood, not letting the ills of
the world bother me, but the other 10% can put me in a funk for the
entire day. This seems to be that day.
I am trying to wrap my brain around the
changes we must make in order to remain healthy. Now that people are
going about their daily lives and businesses are open, life is appearing to
look like it was before. We can not let our guard down. The danger
is invisible and I want to be around for another few decades.
Take care of yourself....It's the only control you have.