Friday, December 29, 2017

Do Something!

Yes, you hear the saying, “You have control over your attitude” It is true but not always easy depending on what is going on in your life at the moment. We all know that 2017 was in many ways more shocking and unexpected than anyone ever imagined. While we are safe, cozy and happy in our little corner of the planet our friend Mary went through horrendous losses from fires and is also dealing with the health of the love of her life. Our friend Goi's husband died unexpectedly and we recently learned of our very dear friend Ernie who lived with us for several years that died a few days before Christmas. It has given us pause to reflect on the memories of the past and we remember with laughter and love the funny stories and comfort of having the person him our life.

I have turned away from the US news more times than I can count and I can honestly say it has helped me a lot. Everything is temporary and I like to remind myself....In one hundred years, all new people. I sure hope they are better behaved than the last batch of humans.  

In the grand picture of things does it really matter?
Picture from the Hubble space telescope

Thinking........I do to much of it sometimes. I go down the rabbit hole and get lost in things I have no control over when I could use my precious energy on things I do have control over.

Life.........It is messy, uncomfortable and we cause ourselves guilt and regret. “I should do this, I should do that, I should be grateful, I should be better,  I should clean the oven, and all of the I shouldn't have done's.....bla bla bla. My motto is, “Don't SHOULD all over yourself!”

I should go on a diet

Life.........Is brilliant, beautiful, exciting and full of more potential than we will ever use in a hundred lifetimes. Do SOMETHING!
Apply for the job.
Go for a drive on a road you have never been on.
Buy a plane ticket.
Get a pet.
Paint a room like you wanted when you were a teenager and put glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. Buy a lovely candle and have a long bubble bath.
Ask someone to coffee.

Try a new food

Buy a new mug

Remember to play

Give yourself permission to be happy right where you are, right this minute. When someone asks, “How are you?” Respond with, “I am happy!, then watch the look on their face.
Find a youtube video of a song you haven't heard in years and play it loud!

Go for a walk in the rain

Get out of your rut, go in the opposite direction when you grocery shop and buy the cookies you always want but never do.
Find the little things that make you smile or laugh

Make a face

Let your heart be light, if just for a moment and then try it again and again.
Go to the beach, feel the sand and smell the air.
Look at colors and shapes around you.

Smell the flowers.

Slow down, stop rushing. The laundry can wait and dinner might be a “Fend for yourself night. You might just make every Friday one of those nights!
Take a Nap.

Say yes to seeing old friends.

Buy yourself a stuffed animal and sleep with it.

Get lost in a new book.

Wear what you want.

We have a good friends Jmayel and Sacha that remind us in many ways to savor the tiny moments in life and to say Yes! When someone asks if you want to do something or if they can help you...

Say YES.

Also, practice saying “No”. It isn't the end of the world and people will not fall apart if you take care of yourself and say, “No, thanks, I really don't want to go to the movie today, No, I can't watch your dog for you, No, I can't work over today, No, I won't be baking cupcakes for the party, No, I am taking care of myself tonight and will be staying home in my pj's.....People will be very envious of your strength in caring for #1 and you will feel so empowered and good about it. Only say yes when you really want to!

Hold hands.

And if you are alone, look down and hold hands with yourself and say, “I love you” Talk to yourself like a best friend. Ask you, “What do you need right now?” “What can I do for you right now?” Follow through and give yourself the time, peace, attention, love, gentleness and nurture you would give a baby. It really is alright.

New Years is only one day. The real NEW year is the next moment, the next hour, tomorrow, next week, next month and next year. Celebrate YOU!


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful heartfelt reminders. Happy New Year you two! xxoo
